Wednesday, May 25, 2011

biscuits na bananas.

At the equator I swear the larger sun makes the land shine and radiate more beauty than any other land.

Monday finally comes around. I wait thirty three minutes slowly sipping my tea for the supervisor to arrive and take me to my new job. Fifty introductions later I find myself surrounded my doctors, limnologists and all around captivating people sipping yet again another cup of tea. The room roars in laughter when I say, " they call me Kalungi. I'm nice!" slowly lifting my hands out in expression. Well at least they think I'm funny. That's a start. I'm not quite sure yet exactly what I'll be doing even though I ask around like a madwoman to find a title to my internship this summer.
As of now, I'll be coupling stock assessment and aquaculture in my work. At the end, I'll compile a comprehensive report to present to the director of the national department. It'll get stamped and I'll be on my way to better understanding the current situation of fisheries in Lake Victoria.
Yesterday I went out in the 'field'. We visited several, around seven, fish landings west of Jinja and around Lake Victoria. Kyindi. Other villages my mind fails to recollect. Words cannot describe the sheer beauty I was up for. Like a dummy I left my camera and goodies back at my home in Jinja. So technology free I gave out all my gum and danced around with locals.
Rows of vibrant fishing boats with stories to tell line the beach creating a new horizon for the eyes to revel in. Ducks and storks line the shore grabbing the leftovers from a days catch. Children run up and down the shore shouting, "habari mzungu!" as I chase them around. Generous locals put their visitors book in my hands asking me to sign it with a simple smile. Village after village, miles away from electricity and accessible potable water- there were more smiling faces and laughter reverberating along the shoreline than I have ever seen in all my life.
Maybe no photos is better this way. I shall remember the memories created amongst pure strangers and the good company that was discovered down the winding rocky meter-wide dirt paths.

Until then,


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