Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ignorance or colour blind?

I gave my boda boda driver a 10,000 shilling bill instead of a 1,000 bill yesterday. Why oh why must I be so dim. Especially considering a 1,000 was more than sufficient for my length of travel. I was suggested to memorize the differentiation of the bills. You'd think that be easy considernig they are colour coded and sized differently. I'll let you know how that goes.
This past weekend was my first official weekend of trekking out into the open Ugandan landscape. Accompanied with three new friends all from the nearby village of Iganga. Two American females with distinctly differentiated personas but each intriguing in their own light. One Brazilian with which made quite the company despite the oh so common language barrier. He had been in Uganda the longest out of us four and agreed to show us around for one of his last weekends. It is there here my story begins.
I told myself I would be sleeping in on Saturday to make up for the busy week. It was this weeknd where I would learn my theory of time and 'sleeping in' would change drastically. I told my friends that I wanted to sleep in and to have no rush in coming to town. They said no problem because they weren't planning on leaving until 9... a.m. Now for you early birds 9 a.m may be quite the lengthy wake up time but, for those of you who know me- that is usually the time I lay my worried head to rest. Call it the culture change or adapted schedule but, I am now rather elated when I get to sleep in until 9-930 a.m
A few hours later we meet at The Source Cafe, a.k.a the source of all mzungus in Jinja. I walk inside to order some freshly squeezed passion fruit juice and see glass jars holding rather western influenced cookies. "Pity," I think to myself,  " why would anyone come all the way to Eastern Africa to order a snickerdoodle cookie and soy latte?" I walk away with an overpriced cup of juice, but worth all the money, focusing on the ground while putting away my change. I notice a lovely mural of scattered glass adorning the once bare floor. "Well that's nice," I say and continue back to the table. Several trivial conversations and one delicous egg roll (Ugandan style) later we decide on what to do. Bujagali Falls.One of the many falls that constitute the Nile River. This one however was special, for many reasons soon to learn, and would be deemed my weekend spot.

Booze cruise. We've all partaken in such a thing. I must say I was in for a treat with this one however. Before our trek to Bujagali Falls we took a sunset cruise on the Nile River. Copious amounts of snacks were involved some of which were delectable peanut butter dip and veggie-dog-like-things on a stick. Before we jumped aboard we were told, " You can drink all you want until you cannot see. The only thing we ask is that you don't jump off the boat... yes we've had people jump off the boat." Several Nile Specials and Ugandan rum shots later we were off to a good time on yes that's right THE Nile River. Girl Talk, Lady GaGa, Janis Joplin and some random fifties songs were our soundtrack. And by we I mean the incommodious group of English blokes next to us.
Views were impeccable. The actual source of the Nile River, islands with thousands of birds taking solace on the treetops, the point where Ghandis ashes were spread on the river, a weird witchcraft voodoo island, and captivating fisherman lining the horizon.
We finally reached back to shore and were herded back onto the bouncy bus that would transport us to our camp in Bujagali Falls. On the climb back I stopped to pet some friendly puppies when one of the British bums attempted to ask out the dog," ... you are a good looking dog..." with which I replied," I think she's single if you wanna give it a try."
Finally to the camp we arrive with our packs on our back eager to find a place to stash and dash to the bar. " We are completely booked." Great. " The only ride back to town is your bus... that's driving away right now." Awesome. Stuck in the middle of the forest, in the dark, with nowhere to stay, and nowhere to go. This is just great.

More photos to come. 

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