Thursday, August 25, 2011

well where were we?

In a land with few Western resources but infinite Western influences one becomes quite likened to the notion of no power, hv/ac systems and the joy of having everything imaginable at your fingertips.

Stateside is a different world to me. I notice things one would never have noticed before. All public epicenters are likely to give me frostbite. Why a store plummeting in debt finds the need for the building to be 69 degrees is beyond my grasp of comprehension. In the midst of moving, painting, staining, and reconnecting with old friends lies the beautiful burden of going to class. I seemed to have permanently misplaced my adaptor. Will solve the riddle soon and provide more photographical evidence to the rest of my scintillating journey in Africa's backyard.
It is so lovely to be back.

All for now,

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