Saturday, May 21, 2011

Red sanded pavements

Every moment is an adventure... I'm typing on a keyboard with foreign letters.

Over 9950 miles and a few mosquito bites later I've finally arrived. Life here in Jinja, though only two days old, is quite a sight. Expansive houses next to tin shacks paint the setting for my first daylight view of Uganda. The hospitality here is unimaginable. I've already made friends with a little Nigerian boy named Mikael who is barely 2 feet tall. My host mother told me he woke up this morning saying, " I want to visit my friend hathher, I want to visit my friend hatther." I've decided that he shall be my carry-on back to the U.S.
The sky transfixes me as it changes from grey to blue, grey to blue. Bodas and taxis zoom past as everyone scrambles to cross the street. Correction, as I scramble. Everyone else meanders with ease.
So far so good. Soaking up the sunlight and good vibrations.

Technical difficulties in the aspect of tangible images for my journey so far. Will get it figured out eventually.

<3 --h--

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