Sunday, May 22, 2011

winding down dirt roads only to find another one.

Adventures. We all have 'em. I can say there are few and far ones that really qualify as an adventure in today's vernacular sense of the word. Through all angles today was one. Sunday morning; wake up to the smell of Ugandan coffee and lively voices reverberating through the cold concrete walls. That's a lively description but not a true one for my senses. Nonetheless it fits for most reading this description. After a few hours of conversation and new daily routines I finally set out for a trek with my new housemate. A flaming ginger just outside Vancouver was my tour guide for the day. In a realistic sense we were just company for each other while we slowly winded ourselves into nowhere alley. That story shall be set aside for another log. To be continued...

The final trek took us to Paradise Hotel- and paradise it was- where we sipped locally brewed Ugandan lager while viewing the sparkling Nile River. I was a complete tourist and snapped a photo with our boda boda driver that saved us from the red foothills of nowhere alley. Almost four hours later- I'm finally back in town reveling with you the many memories already established during my stay.
Ah adventures. Gotta love 'em.

Until then,

<3 --h--

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