Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ferry bound to Ssese Islands.

 I envy that woman in a comatose state aboard the Kalangala bound ferry. I thought of adjacently joining her atop the service truck but, already getting chastised for dangling my feet above the water I deemed it unattainable. It's funny no matter where the mzungu stands they are automatically in first class. Unless you consider a hard steel ship floor exposed to sun and wind beyond all expectations- note, I do not mean this in the literal sense. With mango juice dripping down our chins we coughed up the ticket price. I proceeded to ask a local sitting nearby if she had paid the same price- let's just say that got me nowhere.

Four-too-many-thousand shililngs later, we finally arrived to the white sanded beaches of Ssese Islands. With parachute boats lining the shore, you couldn't help but notice the enticing aroma the islands generously gave off.

  Sparkling Lake Victoria teasing all who come, peeking behind the virgin rainforest. Air so crisp it could beat a kettle cooked potato chip.

 The American names given in Uganda never cease to amuse me. My Kalangalan friend, Fred, joined me for a nice dip in the Victoria waters. The next day he I was accompanied by two mangos and a three hour conversation of pure intrigue- with which I learned quite a lot.

On my last full day at paradise cove, the sky threatened the vulnerable world below; painting a lovely backdrop to the gurgling waves before me.

Once you get over a crazy mzungu posing by a fishing boat for no apparent reason you see something else. An engine powerboat lies literally beached and ignored several meters away from a weathered wooden parachute boat. And to top it off, this isn't the first time I've seen this. Simplicity seems to withstand all the elements that East Africa has to offer.

Until next time,

<3 h

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