Monday, June 20, 2011

for all the moments...

It is my wish that every father reading realizes how appreciated and undervalued you are. From the bread-winner to mr. moms, every single role you play in the lives of your family hold more value than any celebrated day could commemorate. 

For all those moments you’ve put up with. For all those rewarding, trying, memorable moments- there is really only one thing to say. Thank you for not only being there but, being as fully invested in all my moments of life as me, myself.
The entities that comprise of me and my mother are an expensive, loud and extreme one. Merely putting up with them is an, at times, daunting task. Thank you for staying strong through all the trying and terrifying moments our family has had the opportunity to get through together. Thank you for putting yourself last and rolling through the one too many sales rack moments. Thank you for supporting me in every single endeavour I do whether you approve of it or not. No other father could serve me the way you do, be there to way you are, and offer the infinite things you obtain. You’ve shown me the importance of family. You’ve given me the contagious trait of wander-lust. You’ve provided words when I had none. One just cannot see how you do it. Besides the too often hand twitching- it is done with such grace. And it is through this venue that I shall let you know how very much it means to me for you to be my companion on the road, musical jukebox, source of wise words, encouragement throughout the years, best friend, and mostly father.
I love you so very, very much pops.

<3 sweet pea

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you brought tears to my eyes with that; I think you knew it would. Now I'm really missing you. Thank you Sweet Pea, you know how much I love you and I will save additional comments for a private email.
    Love you,
