Monday, June 20, 2011

In search of David.

 In search of a recommended local tour guide, we stumbled across the small village that comprised of Kalangala. Kindly interrupting a family lunch, I popped my head into one of the warm shacks asking for David. After being offered their personal catch of day, we continued through the village with a new tour guide. En route to David's home dozens of Ugandan children rushed to our side. It is then when one realizes just how many little hands your pair can hold. Leaving the village without catching David, we were anything but disappointed.
Mukene drying in the field of grass kissed by the morning dew, parachute ssese boats lining the horizon, children's laughs filling the salty air, and warm greetings make it for anyone to pass up.

This little jewel was the high point of my stay at Ssese. Swagger walk down, she loudly made her way to my presence. With intention, she so sweetly grabbed my legs to give a warm and heart-filled hug as though we were reuniting after years of separation. Naturally, I hugged back. I then proceeded to swing her to'er and fro in turn receiving smiles and giggles galore.
The pure conviction of children here can warm even the coldest of hearts.


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