Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kusafiri kwa malori.

 Our mode of transportation. A truck. A very crammed in jelly tight truck with 33 locals staring at us as they sucked on their sugar cane. On way to Sipi Falls one should note that all the roads are vertical in a sense. Our malori stopped more frequently than it drove due to either our weight or the steepness of the drive- a combination I'm sure.
 Nonetheless, we finally arrived to our destination. If you ever get the chance to journey on over to Sipi Falls visit the Crows Nest for your stay. With jaw-dropping views, plentiful home-made cooked meals and welcoming staff you are in for quite the treat.

 There are three main falls that comprise of Sipi Falls in Mt. Elgon. The first, and largest one lies behind me. Looking like a mere piece of string, these falls climb the towering height of 100 meters. It is also dubbed the most beautiful falls in all the land- Uganda land that is.
It is with pleasure I got to examine these falls up close and personal. From my vantage point things could look grim or scintillating pertaining to your point of view. It is with this thought that I leave you.
More to come soon.
Until then,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kalungi
    I can't beleive how much you have traveled for such& short period of time! What an incredible sights to see "Pictures say's it all"

    We miss you & were always there with you where ever you go! mahal na mahal kita anak ko!!!!
