Monday, July 25, 2011

In the middle of commotion we find serenity.

In the middle of Rwanda. Found a dodgy internet cafe with open faced computers. Things forgotten for my stupidly stupendous search for new cultures: head lamp, adapter, correct usb plug for camera uploads, jacket, long sleeve for trekking, my sanity.
It can not be stressed enough that transportation is a prized commodity out here. Patience and the willingness to go with the flow are of essence. Visited Bwindi Impenitrable Forest where some of the last remaining gorilla tribes walk the earth. Travelled 90 kilometres in a total of 7 hours. In Parc National des Volcans recently, no description can prepare you for the sights you will see. Splendor. 
Been on an ongoing search. If you are a poor college student like myself, you find yourself free from the bondages of the safari lifestyle. Venturing out into the open world alone deems it difficult to get access to things. Permits are one of those. No such luck this time but, such is life and the adventures shall continue on.
En route to Kigali, Rwanda with a pack on my back and love in my soul. Love that will overcome the daily nuisances of the travel life and, with hope, turn it into those glorious memories we call life.

Wish me luck,


1 comment:

  1. Life is a series of moments, isn't it? Savoring and experiencing that single moment. I love that you are living, not just existing. Your writing and way of describing things is wonderful. It takes me there with you. Wish I could be there! Thanks for striving to be a "change agent" in this world. Thanks for my postcard!
