Monday, August 1, 2011

Alas, the end of the rainbow.

As my mind wandered off into seasick lullabies my keen imagination saw mirages. Several mirages.

Finally in Zanzibar after one of the longest stretches of 30 hours in my life. Destined to make it to Zanzibar by the morning of the 1st I set a high bar in East African travel standards, hell- African standards. As my alarm woke me out of my rem-less dose at 637 am I slowly tangled myself out of the best mosquito net so far. Lined with linen at the bottom to avoid those pesky tuck-ins and an extra large radius- I found myself chuckling with a grin. Early bus from Arusha to the coastal city of Tanga was a game of musical chairs. After handling the panhandlers, I squeezed into a bus that incorporated circus like sounds in its horn. A Tanzanian mtoto fell asleep on my lap. Gush. Reaching one of the first five districts established in Tanzania and Kenya just in time for the sunset. Pangani born and raised in 1864. With the prize on my mind and common sense out the door, I allowed a local to escort me all the way to dhows that, and I quote, "are always there and leaving all throughout the night."
Just to give one a glimpse into the story, this morning I walked off the dhow with my puke bag in hand- instead of floating amongst others in the deep abyss- several blisters on my hands, and muscles that ought not to be aching.

More to continue but for now maji na s-l-e-e-p,


1 comment:

  1. finally caught up with your blog!
    What an incredible journey with such short time!
    Were so thanked full you have the mind the perseverence of it all!!!!

    Journey safe and along your destination keep in mind never to follow an strange blok! Good to trust, "but" not too much????
    Were enjoying your blog! fabolous writing sweetie.. we love you Pops & momma
