Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mambo Nairobi

What is it with East Africans and Dolly Parton? Her lyrical ballads follow me everywhere. Not to mention my host father's Kenny Rogers ringtone...
Enjoying the Kenyan sun in Nairobi. Visited the Masai Market. Millions of stone and wood shaped into desirable pieces crammed within narrow hallways. The sound of mzees clinking away at brass and camel bone to form masterpieces dangled on ears, wrists and necks. Over 42 tribes continent wide bring their goods here. The goods may be overpriced but, with a harsh backbone and stiff bargaining skills one can walk away with many treasures. I then found my way to an idp (internally displaced home) where many citizens take solace in washing, painting, carving and polishing stone. It is awe-inspiring to see them make lemonade out of kidogo shillings. Poverty stricken hands may walk the streets but incompetence is nowhere to be seen. 
Next stop one might wonder? A giraffe sanctuary in the middle of the city. Sounds a bit off? That's just Kenyan baby.

All for now,


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