Wednesday, March 21, 2012

a long and much needed greeting.

Greetings! This time from the tantalizing town of Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. It has been a long and winding seven months since I've last stepped foot in foreign soil. And might I say it feels so good. There's nothing like a good long debrief after an intense few months of traveling. But there is also such a thing as a perennial debrief. Need not worry, I've satiated my traveling tastebuds with intercontinental trips up the wazoo. My field work has moved forward to mundane desk work. I am back in school. Student. Learner. Naive soul acquiring new information through word of mouth and archived journals. The home stretch to December just couldn't seem short enough so I've kept myself busy with a few side projects to pass the idling time. One of which I'll talk of next time.
I shall leave you with this picture. During my stay at Zanzibar I went snorkeling in the reefs. On my boat was a cute Nigerian born Kenyan boy who ate too much posho if you asked me. He kept talking about food the entire time. Waiting for the moment we cracked open a coconut or peeled back the delicious layers of local Tilapia. But it was the way he emphasized words that really hit my high note. The way he said cookie sent my laughter off the deep end like he seems to be doing in this photo. Enjoy. Not to mention the fishermen in the background.

see you soon,


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