Monday, July 9, 2012

Independence Day

Nothing like a good loss of technology to bring you back to a humble and appreciated state of mind. The Gods must be against me and phones because my luck with maintaining a single one is less than par. Then again, my oblivion to not only keep track of my phones whereabouts, and love for the ocean add up to mere clumsiness.
One positive thing out of my phone mishap is that it brought me back to you. Something I've neglected for quite some time although my heart still longs for Uganda, nyumbani yangu. The same backdrop exists for me. The college life is growing in intimacy for me as I am left to console my own thoughts in an empty house and empty town. The summer in Gainesville is quite the time for solace if one ever needed it. The home stretch has officially entered my train of thought, less than six months and the big picture finally comes to a closing. To every new beginning comes somebody's new beginning's end. Before I can hold that trophy of a diploma I must compose my senior dissertation. Topics for this bring me back to my Ugandan roots. Roots that will hopefully promote me to writing more often.

The fourth of July was a relaxed and enjoyed one amongst the company of a couple loved ones. Nothing like a night of fun photo taking on the beach with the full moon and China's legacy of booms and crackles.

Until then,

--h <3--

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