Thursday, June 5, 2014

Feeble Fairytales Come to Fruition

There are many things that I could write but alas, few words come to mind. I'm sitting in the back corner writing feeble fairytales for goodness sakes. Does it seem like life is more than a complex mirage for me right now?
I've been gone for quite some time. Correct. But the feelings in my soul, the rhythm in my heartbeat, and the thoughts in my mind have done anything but falter. Life has changed quite a bit. My solo adventures into the piercing backdrop of East Africa have transitioned to a more local Redsand. Grand Canyon National Park is my new home. My new alma mater if you will, for it is at this breathtaking scenery that I am learning the very depths of sustainability in the realism. They say it all too often, nothing can prepare you for the menagerie that is the real world. There I was sitting in post education bliss, drunk off the beauty of life and all that it had to offer. Yet over time that beauty dissipated, quickly blending in to play along the fine lines of sanity and madness. Some say there is nothing greater than time on your hands to inspire creativity. I in reflection say that there is also far and few as imbecilic as time on your hands with no where to put it. In the wrong atmosphere, wrong mindset, and total abandonment of the very passion you sunk your teeth into day in and day out- life can be quite dull. But that's a whole other story, for now you'll just have to listen to this one...

This was scribed on my iphone on October 18th, 2013 almost 4 months into my journey here at the Ditch. Safe to say my hands now have plenty of places to put time.

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