Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I'm Still Here.

Upon my first few weeks on the job I wrote this:

"Aways make life a priority. Whether it’s writing a scintillating entry in your journal or cooking a damn spectacular meal. Anything can happen. That doesn’t mean everything will happen, or exactly what you dream of will happen, or necessarily what you fear most will happen. It just means all cards are somehow on the table. One may be out of reach, right in your hand, or hard to find- but they’re out there. And life is always shuffling the deck to keep you on your toes. But whatever you do- don’t stop strategizing, don’t stop taking a chance, and never stop playing because you never know when you’ll win big."

It really is true, you never know when you'll hit the jackpot. What's even more of intrigue is that you never know what your mind will consider a jackpot. The variations that our minds prefer are endless. One man's jackpot can be another mans crackpot. One thing's for sure, for me- things are most certainly happening.

It's been a little while, hasn't it? Sometimes life happens and you forget to record any of its precious moments. Since we've last met, I took a job in Grand Canyon National Park as the Sustainability Specialist. Those two words, so complex, can have a lot of connotations and believe me- there are a lot. But we'll get to that later. Going into my ninth month out here things are finally starting to feel like home. There have been mule rides, midnight strolls at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, life sized condor pinyatas, invigorating jam sessions, shaved snow off a stranger's car window, bowling alleys, ripped pants, train rides, composted open toilets in the middle of nowhere, winter boat rides through narrow canals, animal skulls, mud flung car rides, wrangler photoshoots, a chipped tooth, and one very interesting camping experience. But let's save that all for later shall we? After all, we can't give it away all at once.

In case you're wondering. This was at Horseshow Mesa on New Years Day, 2014.

Until next time,


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